Sectors of Focus


Farming constitutes a staggering 65% to the economic activity of Lesotho, with 80 percent of the population depending on agriculture for their livelihoods. Modernisation of agricultural techniques is therefore vital, as agriculture itself is a key contributor to the economy.

Find out how Pioneer Africa can help you scale up your agribusiness through expert advising, financial services and more! 

Small Scale Farmers and Commercial Farmers

Real Estate

Indubitably, one of the fastest growing long term investments is in real estate. Whether it is low end, affordable housing or exquisite, high end homes, you are still getting what every penny you spend is worth.

At Pioneer Africa, we seek to transform the real estate sector into a world class market place. Whether you are a realtor looking to advertise, an individual working for a brokerage, or you’re just trying to find your perfect home, let us help you!

Realtors, Brokers, Home Owners


One of our hidden talents as the African continent is sports( well maybe not hidden, rather neglected). Our schooling systems are not sufficiently developed to support rising athletes and stars.


But we are. Sports by Pioneer seeks to establish world class facilities in Lesotho to assist training and development of the talent that lies in sports. Focusing primarily on early development programs, our sports program will run hand in hand with schools to secure athletes’ places in college as college athletes.

Young Athletes


PA Schools is an initiative by Pioneer Africa seeking to advance the effectiveness of middle school education in Lesotho. Focusing primarily on pan Africanist curricula, mentorship, college readiness courses and lifelong engagement with likeminded scholars, our team will work with students from grades 9 and 10 till they graduate high school, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they would rather not get from a typical high school education.

Learn more about the main objectives of PA Schools, and apply now to join a pool of academically competitive catalysts of social change, and accelerate your trajectory.


Are you a high achieving student? Entrepreneur?

Small and Medium Enterprises

African marketplaces are filled with a large variety of small to large businesses, all fulfilling an important human need. While forming a fundamental part of our economies, small businesses lack the innovation, mentorship and technological input to scale up their profits and expand their businesses. Due to traditional methods of operation, small business owners find themselves struggling in the wake of global pandemics like the novel Covid 19.


Talk to a qualified analyst to find out how Pioneer Africa can help you and your business flourish, one business model at a time.

The Hustlers and Business Owners

Why Pioneer Africa

We care about your success as much as you do. At Pioneer, each client brings an opportunity to learn more about the young entrepreneurs, academia and sportsmen whose work forms the grassroots of our sectors. We want to support you in that trajectory.



Quick Turnaround

Dedicated Support